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Introducing Broker

Introducing Broker

Introducing Brokers (commonly referred to as IB’s) can be defined as organizations, individuals or brokers, who, by virtue of their nature of the business, make money by introducing clients.

In the context of XTB Global, an Introducing Broker is any company or an individual who makes money by introducing clients to AGL-FX. In return for referring clients to AGL-FX, our Introducing Brokers are entitled to receive a commission.

There are no costs to be incurred for signing up as an Introducing Broker. In your capacity as an IB, you enjoy the comfort of working from anywhere, without being dependent on any location and can market and promote your services on your website. You can easily guide traders to AGL-FX, and explain to them the nuances of the KYC account opening modalities and also provide a detailed narrative of the benefits of being an AGL-FX client.

Benefits to AGL-FX Introducing Brokers

Excellent potential of earning income way of volume-based referral fees

Formation of mutually beneficial and long-lasting professional partnerships

Access to the latest technologies

Dedicated Relationship or Account Manager providing robust support on a 24/5 basisDedicated Relationship or Account Manager providing robust support on a 24/5 basis

Access to Back Office and dashboards for monitoring performance of the income earned

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Our Products

Offering state of the art execution services through multiple top-tier liquidity providers. XTB Global provides you with a tailor-made solution to match the demanding requirements of your business, with the multi-assets offering, advanced trading platforms and FIX API connectivity that provides ultra-low latency.


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